Doughty, Arthur G., M.A., "A Farewell", Rose Leaves: a collection of simple verses written on various occassions, London: Thomas Moring, 1894, pp. 63-65.


D., A.G., "A Farewell", Nugae Canorae, Portland Maine: Smith & Sale, 1897, p. 43.

The poem, "A Farewell" (Montreal, 1893) published in Rose Leaves, 1894, consisted of 6 paragraphs of verse. The poem, "A Farewell", revised from the original by adding a new paragraph, making several word changes and shortening to 5 paragraphs, was published in Nugae Canorae, 1897.

Print copy of Rose Leaves, 1894, held in Wilson Collection was reviewed; select images are pictured above. Digital copy from microform (CIHM 16860) available through Internet Archive ( was also reviewed; select images are pictured above.

Print copy of Nugae Canorae, 1897, held by LAC (OCLC #976966849) was reviewed; select images are pictured above. Digital copy from microform (CIHM 03939) available through Internet Archive ( was also reviewed; select image is pictured above.

Ian E. Wilson